Member-only story
It Just Isn’t Fair, Papa!
And thankfully it is not!
It just isn’t fair Papa! I did my homework and folded all the socks and my sister only read her book and she got to play Minecraft longer than I did! It just isn’t fair! She didn’t do as much work as I did and got a better reward! It just isn’t fair!
Have you heard that story or one like it today? Not Yet! I suspect is your answer.
And. . .
How often do you catch yourself saying “It just isn’t fair!” I show up early and make coffee and no one notices.
I stay late and clean up the mess after everyone else has left and no one is left to say thanks.
Ok. You fill in the blank.________________.
It just isn’t fair!
That is the circumstances we find “Master of the Vineyard” in today. When we study Matthew chapter 20 verse 1–16.
He went out early in the morning to find day laborers to work in his vineyard. He was offering the normal wage for a day’s work in the first century. A denarius. The workers and manager agreed and everyone went to work.
Then he goes back out about coffee break time and finds workers still standing around. — And if his vineyard harvest is like our soybean…