Member-only story
Nothing is too hard
“Ah, Sovereign Lord , you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you. Jeremiah 32.17.NIV
I grew up on the farm and ranch where I now live. From the time I was old enough, 7 or 8 years old. I cared for livestock, first chickens (Which, in my honest and accurate opinion, are the nastiest, most disgusting animals that God has directed man to have dominion over). Then hogs, this is where I learned the art of swearing, forgive me Father for I have sinned. If you ever have the opportunity to encourage a herd of hogs to move from one place to another on a trailer or even better a large semi tractor trailer you will too learn the definition of a job that would make even the pastor cuss. And bottle calves, a cute and loveable animal that was always looking for a way die, either from illness or curiosity. And finally to feeding pens of cattle to produce food, my personal favorites chuck roasts, ribeye steaks and hamburger.
I tell that story to lead to this story, through my history with livestock husbandry, I have some earthly understanding of how frustrated God must have been with the people of Israel. In our Old Testament Lesson from Jeremiah we learn how God has delivered the people out of Egypt and God has blessed them in many ways but the people have turned…